Articles: April 2020

COVID-19: Small Business Relief

Bryan & Company has long been committed to providing exceptional service to business owners in Western Canada. In response to a number of inquiries received since the onset of the current COVID-19 pandemic, this memorandum is intended to provide distilled information that can be used ‘at a glance’ to inform yourself and your business of available relief measures and programs.

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| April 3, 2020

COVID-19: Residential Tenancies

On March 27, 2017, the Alberta Provincial Government announced new restriction on landlords in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic in an effort to protect tenants, many of whom are facing reduced incomes through layoffs or cuts to their employment hours.

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| April 2, 2020

COVID-19: Wills and Estates

In these uncertain times, there is an interest in ensuring that people are prepared and proactive in handling their estate. Our Wills & Estates team is working hard to ensure that we are able to meet clients’ needs for a valid will, trusts, enduring power of attorney and personal directives, in addition to other succession planning measures.

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| April 2, 2020

COVID-19: Family Law Update

In these uncertain times, we understand that parents who are continuing to co-parent in a shared parenting or joint parenting regime are faced with new and increased fears and challenges in parenting young children.

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| April 2, 2020

SUBP (Supplemental Unemployment Benefits Plans): A Layoff Option

A Supplementary Unemployment Benefits (“SUB”) Plan is a plan, approved by Service Canada, which allows an employer to top up an employee’s EI benefits during periods of unemployment due to one of or a combination of the following three legislatively permitted types of unemployment: Temporary stoppage of work, Training, and/or Illness, injury or quarantine.

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| April 1, 2020

COVID-19: Occupational Health & Safety (OHS)

In Alberta, the Occupational Health & Safety Act (the “Act”) governs the obligations of employers and employees with respect to safe working environments. The following article sets out obligations of employers and employees in Alberta under the Act, in light of the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

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| April 1, 2020

COVID-19: Work Sharing

The Government of Canada has recently announced expansions to its work-sharing program. This program is being rolled out on a rapid basis so the following is based on our current understanding and we reiterate that the ultimate decisions for whether employers are covered with these programs rest with the Government.

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| April 1, 2020

COVID-19: Employment Law in Alberta

COVID-19 is forcing rapid action and changes in the legal and employment landscape in Alberta and we are receiving a large number of questions related to employment matters from our clients. 

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| April 1, 2020

COVID-19: Employment Insurance (EI), CERB, and Layoffs in Alberta

We have had a number of inquiries from employers who wish to explore the idea of reducing staff hours and pay rather than proceeding with full layoffs or terminations. Employers are wondering if there is a way to have an employee’s hours and pay reduced, but also to allow that employee the entitlement to apply for EI benefits.

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| April 1, 2020

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